How to customize the content shown in the search results using JetSearch

How to customize the content shown in the search results using JetSearch?

With JetSearch plugin for Elementor, you can customize the content of the search results with no coding skills. This tutorial uncovers the steps you should take to customize the content shown in the search results. Keep reading to learn more about how to do it!

Search results customization

1.First, open the page in Elementor and locate Ajax Search widget. Click it to start editing the way it displays the search results.

2.In the Content block, you need to open the Results Area tab. Here you can see different options for customization.

 In case the posts have images, toggle to Yes the Show post thumbnail option. Also, select the Thumbnail size to define it.

 Set the Post excerpt length. A little tip: before starting to set values, try to think over and imagine the preferable layout of the content. So that, you could easily make all customization in a few clicks without any doubts.

 The next step is toggling to Yes the Show Results Counter and Show Full Results Button if needed. You can change the text of this button as well.

Results navigation customization

In this subblock, you can choose the location of different types of navigation. You can select to show the navigation elements in the header, in the footer or in both. If you don’t need to set one of the types of navigation, leave it hidden. In case you prefer Navigation Arrows, you should select the type of arrows.

Results navigation customization

The appearance of search results area is fully customizable. You can set the background color of the results container, enable scrolling for the results list and adjust paddings for header and footer of the search results area.

When the content is set, click the Update button and preview your search results!